Terms and Conditions of RTO Enrolment



  1. Enrolment & Selection (5.3)
    • The student is responsible for notifying College of Nursing Education & Training Australia if they have a medical condition or disability or require assistance in their training.
    • A deposit must accompany enrolment to secure a placement within a course; this fee is also the Administration Fee.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time and location of the course as advertised.
    • Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled, every effort will be made to contact students, please ensure your contact details are correct.
    • Requests from the student to transfer or credit their course placement due to changed personal circumstances will be considered and every effort will be made to ensure a placement into an alternative course.
    • If you are unable to complete your course, due to changed personal circumstances, the RTO will make every effort to ensure you are placed into an alternative pre-scheduled course.
    • Students can only join after the course commencement date if they meet all prerequisites. Full course fees are still payable for late enrolments.
    • The RTO reserves the right to decline admission to a course, terminate a student's enrolment in a class or change a Trainer/Assessor at any time without notice.
    • Students participate in courses involving physical activity; field trips, practical demonstrations etc. and do so at their own risk. College of Nursing Education & Training Australia’s students are covered by public liability insurance whilst working within the RTO’s premises.
  1. Course Fees, Payments and Refunds (5.3)
    • Please refer to the course flyer for information on course fees, including any required deposit; administration fees; materials fees and any other charges (if applicable).
    • In line with the RTO’s Fee Protection Policy the RTO will not collect more than $1,500 prior to course commencement.
    • Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are assessed as competent in the units completed. The cost of the certificates is included in the course fees.
    • Refunds may be made in the following circumstances:
      • Participants have overpaid the administration charge
      • Participants enrolled in training that has been terminated by the RTO
      • Participant advises the RTO prior to course commencement that they are withdrawing from the course
      • If the participant withdraws from a course or program, prior to course commencement, due to illness or extreme hardship as determined by the RTO
      • In the event that the RTO fails to provide the agreed services
    • A deposit of no more than $1,500 is required prior to course commencement; this deposit is to confirm a place in the course. Please refer to the Course Flyer for the deposit amount required.
    • An administration fee of $200 is required to be paid prior to course commencement which is included within the deposit fee . If the student withdraws from the course prior to course commencement, they will forfeit this administration fee but may be entitled to a refund of the remaining deposit. If the total course fee is less than $150, then the total of the course fee is to be paid prior to course commencement to secure a place within the course.
    • No refunds will be issued once the student has commenced the course
    • Students are responsible for the safe storage of their Certificates and Statements of Attainment. If a student requires a reissue of their Certificate or Statement of Attainment, a certificate re-issue fee of $80 will be charged.
    • If a student is deemed not yet competent on completion of training, they will be offered an opportunity to be reassessed. If a student is deemed not yet competent a second time, they will be given another opportunity for reassessment.
    • If a student is required to be reassessed, they will be provided with further guidance from their trainer prior to reassessment.
    • In most cases there will be no reassessment fee. If a reassessment fee is applicable, this fee will be included on the course flyer.
    • If a student is deemed competent in some but not all the units of competencies required, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, and the student will be given a six-month period to undertake reassessment if required.
    • The RTO is responsible for the issuance of AQF certification documentation (5.2)
  1. Cooling Off Period (5.3)

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia protects the rights of the learner including but limited to the Statutory requirements for cooling-off periods. Students are eligible to cancel their enrolment by placing a formal notice of cancellation in writing to the RTO Manager (a letter or email is acceptable) within 10 business days of enrolment, unless the student has already commenced the training. Please refer to the Refund policy for the process of acquiring a refund.

  1. Changes to Agreed Services (5.4)

    Where there are any changes to the agreed services that will affect the learner, including in the event of College of Nursing Education & Training Australia closing down, the RTO will advise the learner as soon as practicable. This includes changes to any new third-party arrangements or a change of ownership or any changes to existing third party arrangements.

  1. Fee Protection (7.3)

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia requires a minimum deposit, which will not exceed $1,500 per individual student, prior to course commencement. If the full course fees are less than $1,500, the full fees may be required to be paid prior to course commencement. Please refer to the course flyer for an outline of all course fees.

    Following course commencement, full fees will be required to be paid by either a payment plan (if remaining fees are more than $1500), or in full (if the remaining fees are below $1500) for training and other services yet to be delivered.

  1. Consumer Guarantee (5.3)

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia guarantees that the services provided by the RTO will be:

    • provided with due care and skill
    • fit for any specified purpose (express or implied)
    • provided within a reasonable time (when no timeframe is set for the training)
  1. Complaints and Appeals (6.1)

    If a student is experiencing any difficulties, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with Senior Management. College of Nursing Education & Training Australia administrative staff will make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to seek assistance.

    If a Staff member or Student wishes to make a formal complaint, they are required to complete a Complaints and Appeals Form, which is included in the Student Handbook. Once the form has been completed, the form should be submitted to the RTO for actioning.

    Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details on the complaints and appeals process.

  1. Credit Transfer (3.5)

    The RTO recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.

    Credit Transfer will be awarded for all units of competencies that directly align with units from the qualification the student has enrolled. Evidence of competences achieved must be supplied for recognition to be processed (i.e. presentation of original certificate or transcript).

    Please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the office for the procedure on how to apply for a Credit Transfer.

  1. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) (1.7)

    LLN support is available to provide students with advice and support services in the provision of language, literacy and numeracy assessment services. Students needing assistance with their learning are to be identified upon enrolment. Trainers and staff within the RTO can provide students with support to assist the student throughout the learning process.

    Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in Training Packages and accredited course programs. In identifying language, literacy and numeracy requirements, students are required to have basic skills in:

    • Count, check and record accurately
    • Read and interpret
    • Estimate, calculate and measure

    All students undertaking a Certificate III qualification or below are required to undertake an LLN Assessment

  1. Support Services (1.7)

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage to course completion, through their trainer or RTO staff.

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia is committed to providing clients requiring additional support, advice or assistance while training. Please see the Student Handbook on the types of support provided by the RTO.

    To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, the RTO provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment with the RTO for further counselling and/or assistance.

  1. Legislative and Regulatory Requirements (8.5)

    All students will undergo an induction with the RTO, which will include the student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements. Students are issued with a Student Handbook, which also includes the student’s rights and responsibilities that will affect their participation in vocational education and training.

    The student acknowledges that they must observe College of Nursing Education & Training Australia’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government legislative and regulatory requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook.

  1. Privacy Protection

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia respects the importance of securing any form of personal information which is collected from the student(s) and/or other Stakeholders. Information collected from students is only utilised for the purpose gathering information on the student as part of their enrolment, training, assessment and certification process. All data is kept securely within either a locked filing cabinet or filed electronically within a password protected database.

    College of Nursing Education & Training Australia has an obligation under Commonwealth and State legislation to provide information to certain government departments for the purpose of reporting data to the government. On occasion, the government regulatory body will require access to student records for the purpose of auditing the RTO against the Standards for RTO’s. No student files will be removed from the RTO’s site, unless a student is notified beforehand.

  1. Privacy Notice

    Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 and National VET Data Policy (which includes the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy at Part B), Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and submit data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection for all Nationally Recognised Training. This data is held by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER), and may be used and disclosed for purposes that include:

    • populating authenticated VET transcripts
    • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
    • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
    • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

    NCVER is authorised by the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act) to disclose to the following bodies, personal information collected in accordance with the Data Provision Requirements or any equivalent requirements in a non-referring State (Victoria or Western Australia), for the purposes of that body:

    • a VET regulator (the Australian Skills, Quality Authority, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or the Training Accreditation Council Western Australia)
    • the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment
    • another Commonwealth authority
    • a state or territory authority (other than a registered training organisation) that deals with or has responsibility for matters relating to VET.

    NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.


TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT for International students


  1. Student Responsibilities - VET
    • Students must satisfy entry requirements for the course of enrolment.
    • If a student is deemed not yet competent on completion of training, they will be offered an opportunity to be reassessed. If a student is deemed not yet competent a second time, they will be given a third and final opportunity for reassessment. 
    • If a student is required to be reassessed at any time, they will be provided with further guidance from their trainer prior to reassessment.
    • If after three attempts the student is deemed competent in some but not all the units of competencies required, a Statement of Attainment will be issued.
    • All students will undergo an induction with the Institute, which will include the student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Australian Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements.
    • Students are issued with a Student Handbook & International Student Handbook, which includes the Student’s rights and responsibilities that will affect their participation in training.
    • The student acknowledges that they must observe the Institute’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government legislative and regulatory requirements and the Student Visa requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook and the International Student Handbook.
  1. Visa Requirements

    According to Visa requirements, all students are required to undertake full-time study workload and must attend a minimum of at least 80% of classes in their course, as per the duration stated in their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

    Failure to meet the minimum attendance requirements may result in the student being reported to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for unsatisfactory attendance, which many result in the cancellation of their student visa.

    If a student does not commence studies on the agreed commencement date, after 14 days the Institute will cancel the student’s CoE unless a new starting date has been agreed to. Any student who does not commence studies will be reported to the DHA, and this may result in the cancellation of the student’s visa.

    Students are required to have in place, prior to commencement of studies, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) throughout the duration of their course of studies. Our organisation has agreements in place with OSHC providers and can assist you with accessing health cover.

  1. Enrolment & Selection (5.3)
    • This form is just for registering your initial interest into training with the Institute and is not confirmation of your enrolment into the Institute. The purpose of the form is to gather information from the student to determine their suitability into their course of choice.
    • The student is responsible for notifying the Institute if they have a medical condition or disability or require assistance in their training.
    • An Enrolment Application Fee must accompany enrolment to enable the students’ application to be processed.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time and location of the course as advertised.
    • Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled, every effort will be made to contact students, please ensure your contact details are correct.
    • Requests from the student to transfer or credit their course placement due to changed personal circumstances will be considered and every effort will be made to ensure a placement into an alternative course.
    • If you are unable to complete your course, due to changed personal circumstances, the Institute will make every effort to ensure you are placed into an alternative prescheduled course.
    • Students can only join after course commencement date if they meet all prerequisites. Full course fees are still payable for late enrolments.
    • The Institute reserves the right to decline admission to a course, terminate a student's enrolment in a class or change a Trainer/Assessor at any time without notice.
    • Students participate in courses involving physical activity; field trips, practical demonstrations etc. and do so at their own risk. the Institute’s students are covered by public liability insurance whilst studying on campus.
    • Airport pickup service and Accommodation arrangement/Homestay Placement fees are non-refundable after the arrangement confirmation email has been sent to the student.
    • Completing the Enrolment Application Form does not guarantee a place with the Institute.
    • The Institute reserves the right to decline an application.
    • Students from assessment level 3 and 4 countries are advised to apply through the Institutes representative (International Student Agent).
    • Applications will be processed when all required documents and the non-refundable enrolment fee are received by the Institute.
    • Accommodation arrangement/Homestay replacement fee and airport pickup service arrangement fee is payable every time the arrangement request is made.
    • When the duration of studies at the Institute needs to be extended to complete the course, the student is required to pay additional fees for this extension.
    • The student is responsible for keeping a copy of the letter of offer, as provided by College of Nursing Education and Training Australia.
  1. Course Fees and Payments (5.3)
    • Please refer to the Student Prospectus and the Letter of Offer for information on course fees, including any required deposit; administration fees; materials fees and any other charges (if applicable).
    • Fees must be paid in Australian dollars by bank cheque or bank transfer to the Institute’s bank account. the Institute will not be responsible for any monies paid to agents.
    • The Institute reserves the right to vary fees.
    • Enrolment and course fees do not cover personal costs, such as the cost of accommodation, living expenses, social activities, stationary or other equipment that the student may like to purchase.
    • The Enrolment Application Fee is non-refundable in any circumstances.
    • Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are assessed as competent in the units completed. The cost of the certificates is included in the course fees.
    • Fees not paid by the due date will incur a late fee of 5% of the total fee due.
    • The student puts at risk their CoE being cancelled if their course fees are not paid by the due date. If a student has any problem paying fees on time, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss alternative arrangements with the Institute administration, before the due date.
    • The student is responsible for retaining a copy of the receipts received for all payments made to College of Nursing Education and Training Australia.
    • An Enrolment Application Fee of $200 required to be paid with this Enrolment Application Form, which is non-refundable
    • Students are responsible for the safe storage of their Certificates and Statements of Attainment. If a student requires a reissue of their Certificate or Statement of Attainment, a certificate re-issue fee of $80 will be charged.
    • If a student is required to be reassessed, they will be provided with further guidance from their trainer prior to reassessment.
    • If a student is deemed competent in some but not all the units of competencies required, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, and the student will be given a sixmonth period to undertake reassessment if required.
    • The Institute is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with these Standards, and for the issuance of the AQF certification documentation.
  1. Refund Policy

    Claims for refunds must be made in writing using the Refund Request Form available from College of Nursing Education and Training Australia. Following outlines, the Institutes Policy on Refunds:

    • If a student’s visa application is rejected the student will be refunded the full tuition fees, (this does not include the Enrolment Application Fee, any accommodation arrangement fee and/or airport pickup service fee), upon evidence being provided by the student that their Visa has been refused.
    • Students are also eligible for a Refund if the Institute cancels the enrolled course or the Principal course application has been denied.
    • Requests for withdrawal for reasons other than those mentioned above, will be eligible for a refund as follows:
      • If a student withdraws from a course more than 28 days prior to course commencement, 80% of the initial tuition fees will be refunded.
      • If a student withdraws from a course prior to commencement of study, but less than 28 days prior to the course commencement, 50% of tuition fees paid (up to 24 weeks) and 100% for the remainder fees will be refunded.
    • There will be no refund issued following commencement of studies
    • All Enrolment Application fees, accommodation arrangement fees and airport pickup service fees are non-refundable.
    • If a student breaches visa conditions, resulting in studies being cancelled, there will be no refund.
    • If the Institute cancels the course. 100% of fees paid will be refunded. (This includes the tuition fees, accommodation fee, Overseas Student Health Cover fees, Enrolment Application Fee, accommodation arrangement fee and airport pickup service fee)
    • The Institute is not responsible for the agency fee you paid to the Education Agency (EA).
    • When a refund is applicable and the student has paid the course fee through an agent, the commission deducted from the course fee by the EA will be refunded by the EA as part of the total refund.
    • The Institute is only responsible for the refund of the commission received by the student’s EA.
    • To request a refund, the student will need to complete the Refund Request Form. The request will be processed within 4 weeks from the date of application.
    • Any arrangement fee (including arrangements for Accommodation, Airport Transfers and Homestay fees) are non-refundable after the arrangement has been made.
    • Tuition fees will not be transferred to other educational institutions except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the PEO.
    • Refunds may be made to an immediate family member in the instance that a student has been non-contactable for at least 6 months or in the event of the student’s death.
    • If College of Nursing Education and Training Australia is unable to offer a refund or place the student in an alternative course, the student will be referred to the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) administrator. TPS Administrator will place the student in a suitable alternative course or if a suitable alternative course cannot be offered, TPS Administrator will pay the student a refund as calculated by ESOS legislation. Further information about TPS is available from www.tps.gov.au
    • This policy may be waived by the Institute in exceptional circumstances at its absolute discretion and the decision of the Institute is final.
    • If a student disagrees with this process, they have the right to submit a Complaint and Appeal Form to appeal the decision.
    • This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
  1. Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling Enrolment

    Students need written permission from College of Nursing Education and Training Australia to defer their course. In cases where permission is granted, DHA will be advised via PRISMS. Student enrolments will be deferred or temporarily suspended by the institute when there are compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student is unable to attend classes), or misbehaviour by the student.

    The full policy and procedure pertaining to the circumstances in which a student may defer, suspend or cancel their enrolment is available within the International Student Handbook.

    College of Nursing Education and Training Australia is required to advise DHA via PRISMS when a student fails to commence a course, withdraws before the course ends, or changes their course, which will affect his or her student visa.

    Students who are unable to arrive on time may be given up to one week to commence. After one week, the student cannot be guaranteed a place in the course. If the student arrives after the agreed date, they may be required to return home or placed in an English language program until the next available commencement date for the course.

    Evidence of assessment of applications for deferment or suspension of enrolment will be retained on student files.

    College of Nursing Education and Training Australia will inform the student of its intention to suspend or cancel the student’s enrolment where the suspension or cancellation is not initiated by the student and notify the student that he or she has 20 working days to access College of Nursing Education and Training Australia’s internal Complaints and Appeals procedure.
  1. Accommodation and Airport Pickup Service

    If you require assistance with making arrangements for Accommodation and/or Airport Pickup Service, the Institute will require a minimum 28 days' notice to arrange accommodation and 14 days for airport pick-up service. 

    If the student has requested an Airport Pickup Service, on arrival the student will be accompanied from the airport by an approved delegate of the Institute.

  1. Students Contact Details

    All international students are required to inform the Institute of their Australian residential address within seven (7) days of arrival in Australia and must advise any changes of address or other contact details such as contact number, email address, etc, within five (5) working days.

  1. Termination

    College of Nursing Education and Training Australia reserves the right to expel a student for breaching enrolment or/and visa conditions. Fees will not be refunded and the CoE will be cancelled immediately after the student is notified. This may result in cancellation of the student’s visa.

  1. Privacy Protection

    College of Nursing Education and Training Australia respects the importance of securing any form of personal information which is collected from the student(s) and/or other Stakeholders. Information collected from students is only utilised for the purpose gathering information on the student as part of their enrolment, training, assessment and certification process. All data is kept securely within either a locked filing cabinet or filed electronically within a password protected database.

    College of Nursing Education and Training Australia has an obligation under Commonwealth and State legislation to provide information to certain government departments for the purpose of reporting data to the government. On occasion, the government regulatory body will require access to student records for the purpose of auditing the RTO against the Standards for RTO’s and/or the National Code. No student files will be removed from the Institute’s site, unless a student is notified beforehand.

    Students have a right to access and alter their personal information. The Institute has the right to all the media images taken by the Institute during the student’s studies at the Institute, this includes photographs, video and DVD images.

  1. Changes to Agreed Services

    Where there are any changes to the agreed services that will affect the learner, including in the event of College of Nursing Education and Training Australia closing down, the Institute will advise the learner in writing as soon as practicable, this includes changes to any new third party arrangements or a change of ownership or any changes to existing third party arrangements.

    The registered provider will notify the designated authority (ASQA) and the students enrolled with the registered provider of any intention to relocate premises (including the head office and campus locations) at least 20 working days before the relocation
  1. Consumer Guarantee

    the Institute guarantees that the services provided by the Institute will be:

    • provided with due care and skill 
    • fit for any specified purpose (express or implied)
    • provided within a reasonable time (when no timeframe is set for the training).
  1. Cooling Off Period

    The Institute protects the rights of the learner including but limited to the Statutory requirements for cooling-off periods.

    Students are eligible to cancel their enrolment by placing a formal notice of cancellation in writing to the Academic Manager (a letter or email is acceptable) within 10 business days of enrolment, unless the student has already commenced the training. Please refer to the Refund policy for process on acquiring a refund.

  1. Complaints and Appeals

    If a student is experiencing any difficulties, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Academic Manager. the Institute’s administrative staff will make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to seek assistance.

    If a Staff member or Student wishes to make a formal complaint they are required to complete a Complaints and Appeals Form, which is included in the Student Handbook. Once the form has been completed, the form should be submitted to the Institute for actioning.

    Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details on the complaints and appeals process.

  1. Credit Transfer

    The Institute recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.

    Credit Transfer will be awarded for all units of competencies that directly align with units from the qualification the student has enrolled. Evidence of competences achieved must be supplied for recognition to be processed (ie presentation of original certificate or transcript).

    Please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the office for the procedure on how to apply for a Credit Transfer.

  1. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

    LLN support is available to provide students with advice and support services in the provision of language, literacy and numeracy assessment services. Students needing assistance with their learning is to be identified upon enrolment. Trainers and staff within the Institute can provide students with support to assist the student throughout the learning process.

    Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in Training Packages and accredited course programs. In identifying language, literacy and numeracy requirements, students’ are required to have basic skills in:

    • Count, check and record accurately
    • Read and interpret
    • Estimate, calculate and measure

    All students are required to meet English language skills as part of their enrolment, but may be required to undertake further LLN assessment if identified as being required by the Institute.

  1. Support Services

    The Institute caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage to course completion, through their trainer or Student Support Officer.

    The Institute is committed to providing clients requiring additional support, advice or assistance while training. Please see the Student Handbook on the types of support provided by the Institute.

    To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, the Institute provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment with the Institute for further counselling and/or assistance.

  1. Legislative and Regulatory Requirements

    All students will undergo an induction with the Institute, which will include the student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements. Students are issued with an International Student Handbook and Student Handbook, which also includes the Student’s rights and responsibilities that will affect their participation in vocational education and training.

    The student acknowledges that they must observe the Institute’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government legislative and regulatory requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook.

  1. Age Dependents

    Should the student be accompanied by school age dependants, the student must accept responsibility for any primary or secondary school fees. The dependants are not eligible to attend government schools free of charge.

    Any school age dependant of a student must be enrolled and attending school during the period that the student is studying with the Institute.

  1. College of Nursing Education and Training Australia Contact Hours

    Office Hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM by appointment only. Email correspondence is made during weekdays only and not weekends and public holidays. The Institute does not take calls or reply to emails outside of office hours, weekends and public holidays.

  1. Pre-Departure Information

    If this is your first time studying in Australia, we recommend that you visit the following website: https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live-in-australia, which provides useful information regarding travelling and living in Australia.

    • Attachments
      • Student Handbook
      • International Student Handbook
      • International Student Prospectus
      • This letter of offer is your final Student Written Agreement with the Institution, by signing this Acceptance Agreement below, you are also signing your Student Written Agreement with the Institute.
      • Please note that this agreement will not be processed without receipt of the correct payment amount and the student’s signature below.
      • In order to accept this Letter of Offer, you are required to sign the Student Written Agreement below and return this full document to: executive@nursingeta.com

      This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.