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The Correct Answer is Option D
A. 1400
B. 1500
C. 1600
D. 1700
Blood must be finished within four hours of the start time. Answers in A, B, and C are before the 4-hour time limit, so they are incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Hiccups
B. Dysphagia
C. Fever
D. Bradycardia
Other clinical manifestations include pain, nausea, vomiting, rebound tenderness upon palpation, flatulence, and indigestion. Answers A, B, and D are not associated with cholecystitis, so they are incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option D
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
The normal ICP reading is 10–20. 25 would be increased and abnormal. Answers A, B, and C are all within the normal range, so they are incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. The facility fails to provide literature in both Spanish and English.
B. The narcotic count has been incorrect on the unit for the past three days.
C. The client fails to receive an itemized account of his bills and services received during his hospital stay.
D. The nursing assistant assigned to the client with hepatitis fails to feed the client and give him a bath.
The accreditation committee of hospitals will probably be interested in the problems in answers A and C, so they are incorrect. The failure of the nursing assistant to assist the client with hepatitis should be reported to the charge nurse. If the behavior continues, termination can result, but it doesn’t need to be reported to the board, so answer 4 is incorrect. Option B is a reportable case to the board as this indicates malpractice to the nurses who have not reported a miscounted drug. This can also lead to an investigation as to why the count is incorrect. E.g, underdosing or overdosing a patient; a nurse deliberately stealing controlled medications.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Schedule frequent eye exams
B. Expect red discoloration of his urine
C. Increase his fluid intake
D. Expect dizziness and ringing in his ears
The use of pyrazinamide can result in gout-like symptoms; therefore, the client should increase his fluid intake. Answers A, B, and D are incorrect because they are associated with other antitubercular medications.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. Mole 2 mm in diameter on the chest
B. Tenting of the skin on the forearms
C. Patches of vitiligo around both eyes
D. Scattered brown macules on the face
Tenting of the skin on younger clients may indicate dehydration and the need for oral or IV fluid administration. The other data will be recorded but do not require any rapid interventions.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Frontal lobe
B. Occipital lobe
C. Temporal lobe
D. Parietal lobe
Partial seizures usually originate in the temporal lobe, making Answers A, B, and D incorrect because partial seizures do not usually occur in the other lobes.
The Correct Answer is Option D
A. Painting
B. Watching television
C. Attending the opera
D. Golfing
Golfing should be avoided by the client following cataract removal because it requires activity that increases intraocular pressure. Answers A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not increase intraocular pressure.
The Correct Answer is Option B
Volume of water to add (mL) = total volume of formula on hand (mL) – total volume of formula on hand (mL)
Diluted strength
mL water = (240mL / 1/3) – 240mL = (240mL x 3) – 240mL = 720mL – 240mL = 480mL
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. Clear liquids the day before the test
B. Nothing by mouth the night before the test
C. High-fat meal two hours before the test
D. Asking the client to bring a sputum sample with her for analysis
The only preparation for H. pylori urea breath test is NPO after midnight. In this test, the client drinks a carbon-enriched urea liquid and then CO2 is measured for H. pylori. Answers A, C, and D are not part of the preparation for an H. pylori urea breath test, so they are incorrect options.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. The RN with 2 weeks experience in postpartum
B. The RN with 3 years experience in labor and delivery
C. The RN with 10 years experience in surgery
D. The RN with 1 year experience in the neonatal intensive care unit
The nurse in answer B has the most experience in knowing the possible complications involved with preeclampsia. The nurse in answer A is a new nurse to this unit, so the answer is incorrect. The nurse in answer C has no experience with the postpartum client, so the answer is incorrect. The nurse in answer D also has no experience with postpartum clients, so the answer is incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Have one of the client’s family members interpret.
B. Have the Spanish-speaking triage receptionist interpret.
C. Page an interpreter from the hospital’s interpreter services.
D. Obtain a Spanish-English dictionary and attempt to triage the client.
The best action is to have a professional hospital-based interpreter translate for the client. English-speaking family members may not appropriately understand what is asked of them and may paraphrase what the client is actually saying. Also, client confidentiality, as well as accurate information, may be compromised when a family member or a non–health care provider acts as an interpreter.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. Phalen’s maneuver
B. Tinel’s sign
C. Chevotsky’s sign
D. Turner’s sign
This test is measured as described and can result in pain and a tingling sensation if the client has carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Answer A is incorrect because it is a test in which the client is asked to place the back of the hands together and flex the wrist at the same time causing pain. Answers C and D are exams not related to CTS, so they are incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. Fear related to potential hearing loss
B. Risk for injury related to loss of balance
C. Activity intolerance related to perception of dizziness
D. Anxiety related to loss of control
The client with Ménière’s disease experiences a whirling sensation that could lead to falls. The nurse should give priority to the client’s safety. Answers A, C, and D should be considered when planning for the client’s care; however, they do not take priority over safety; therefore, they are incorrect choices.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. 3-4 days
B. 5-9 days
C. 10-14 days
D. 2-3 weeks
The incubation period (the period of time from exposure to the onset of the first symptoms) is 10 to 14 days. The first symptoms of smallpox infection include an abrupt onset of chills, high fever, headache, backache, severe malaise, vomiting, possible delirium, stupor and coma
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Numbness on the side of the face
B. Yellow sclera
C. Bleeding gums
D. Constipation
The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. A deficiency in vitamin K results in ineffective prothrombin, which can cause bleeding and bruising. The answers in A and D have no relationship to gallstones, so they are incorrect. Answer B occurs with blockage and backup of bile, so it is incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option B
A. Continue to monitor the vital signs
B. Contact the physician
C. Ask the client how he feels
D. Ask the LPN to continue the postop care
The vital signs are abnormal and should be reported immediately. Continuing to monitor the vital signs can result in deterioration of the client’s condition, so answer A is incorrect. Asking the client how he feels would supply only subjective data, so answer C is incorrect. The LPN is not the best nurse to be assigned to this client because he is unstable, so answer D is incorrect.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Return to the clinic in six weeks for a urinalysis
B. Avoid exercise for at least six weeks
C. Do not become pregnant for at least 12 months
D. Return to the clinic in six months for liver enzyme studies
The client that has experienced a hydatidiform mole should avoid becoming pregnant again for one year because chorionic carcinoma is associated with a hydatidiform mole. If the client does become pregnant and there are cells for chorionic carcinoma, the hormonal stimulation can cause rapid cell proliferation and growth of the cancer. Answer A is incorrect because a urinalysis in six weeks is not necessary. Answer B is incorrect because exercise is not contraindicated after a hydatidiform mole. Answer D is incorrect because checking liver enzymes in six months is not necessary after a hydatidiform mole.
The Correct Answer is Option C
A. Third
B. Fifth
C. Seventh
D. Ninth
Damage to the seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve) might occur during a stapedectomy. Changes in facial sensation should be reported to the doctor. Stapedectomy complications do not include damage to the third, fifth, or ninth cranial nerves; therefore, answers A, B, and D are incorrect.
The Correct Answer is True
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